If you are one of those guys who thinks that you have worked damn hard but didnt succeed in life, don't worry, it aint your fault.(Yes!!! :) ) You just werent there at the right place at the
right time. You probably weren't the son of a tailor, grocery store owner or like me you were born neither in the 1930's nor in the window of 1953-56. I think i am getting too ahead in myself. Now, don't take these as my words, my dear, but these are the facts that are very well laid by Malcom gladwell in the book "The Outliers". For all of you who don't know what
an outlier is, it is a statistical term which represents a data which is extremely deviant from the mean(average).
The author claims that successful people are not just successful beacuse they are talented, or they worked their ass off every time it was needed, nor because they toiled up in the
night, when there friend slept ( one of my favorite quotes ). And this holds true for the highly unsuccessful outliers too(in the other way, ofcourse). Gladwell quotes quite a few examples
of people who are extremely successful and also few examples of why few people are really bad at performing specific tasks. Billy joy, Bill gates, Eric Shmidt, Steve jobs, Chris
Langan are just few names in this book, but there's lot more than that. There are various fundae like how a thing called power index affects airplane pilots, how working for zillions of hours in the rice paddy fields help asians do better in math, or for that matter why being born in the first few days of the year will help you become a canadian ice hockey star. It is so uncanny that things so not related to each other are responsible for the success.
I wont spoil the fun for you by delving more into the details of various other fundas that the author puts acrosss. The book is priced at around 400 bucks. Do read it, it's worth it.
For people like me.. it was a huge morale boost. :) Though i did not ever work hard... i still can say, it ain't my fault.. The world just did not make my a "successful material" ;)
P.S: My plants are suffering from Photosynthesis, need money.. so click the ads... :P (Please don't sue me for plagiarism )
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