The dark Knight unarguably one of the best movies i have ever seen on the big screen. Though the movie was very lengthy, to be precise 2 hours 32 minutes, never would anyone feel bored or let down. Though the story is about batman which is played by the talented Christian bale, It was the magnificent and dark role done by the joker( Heath Ledger) that has brought accolades to the movie. It is my strong conviction that Heath ledger will be awarded the posthumous academy award for his unparalleled performance in the movie. The movie is on rank 2 of the 250 best movies of all time on IMDB (Internet Movie database) only after shawshank redemption with a rating of 9.2.
The movie's storyline revolves around three main characters Batman, The joker and harvey dent, the district attorney of Gotham city played by Aaron Eckhart. The movie has excellent action sequences and mind boggling dialogs like " Why so serious ? " , " Do i look like a man with a plan?", " You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villain". Maggie Gyllenhall has done equal justice to the role of Rachel Dawes which was played by the gorgeous Katie holmes in the previous batman movie , " The Batman Begins". The protean Morgan Freeman and Micheal Caine supported Christian Bale in his fight against crime in the movie.
All in all... I would rate 5 out of 5 for the movie which has unprecedented performances.
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